Some detail around my exercises this week
associated - experience of being in own body when remembering.
Connected to your feelings
dissociated - experience being out of body. Detached from your feelings
Towards - your ability to think about what you really want
Away - your ability to think about what you don't want
match - see in the ways thing are similar
mismatch -see which is the odd one out
big chunk – spaciousness, feel and style
small chunk – details
past/present/future - time reference people like to refer to
how we remember
activity – recall the activity
person – recall the people involved
object –associate it with an object
place – the place the activity occurred
time – the time it occurred
internal – how we reference our standards
visual speak in a high tone
breathe high in the chest-rapid, shallow breathing
gesture high in the air, often trying to depict the images they can
see internally
often show tension in their body
auditory speak in a rhythmic way, almost tunefully
talk mid tone
breathe mid chest
gesture lower than speaking in a visual way
often have their head titled to one side as if to accentuate the
amount they take in through their ears
frequently touch theirs ears and mouth and often have their hand
against their face as if on the telephone
feelings speak in a resonant way, slowly with frequent silences
breathe low in the chest-deep, slow breaths, as if sighing
gesture down and to their right
have a laid back body posture, relaxed and free moving
spatial filing cabinets how people gesture when remembering
procedure gesture a chopping type action
choice an array being spread out in front of the speaker
So the idea is to pick these filters up in myself or notice them in
other people.
From yesterday I was able to dissociate myself in situation. I was in
a meeting about my new unwanted job and as I felt myself get to
emotional about I lean back in my chair and was able to disconnect
from the situation enough to get my point across. Plus leaning back in
my chair and taking a relaxed position seemed to put them more on
edge. I have noticed in my meetings with this person their body
language is becoming more and more closed off and defensive. I even
saw a small twitch yesterday when I replied with a particular comment.
It was micro expression like recoiling from being hit.