Tuesday, 29 July 2008

mirco expressions

Didn't pick up much on the filters front yesterday.
However, I did pick up a lot on the body language front. I was
introducing myself to the new team I will be working with yesterday
and could see by some of their body language they were not that happy
with me from past experience.

I had lined up a points in my talk to try and overcome these previous
issues. I noticed when I mentioned this topic was going to be
discussed a couple of people looked at each other with raised
eyebrows. It was clear indication they had previous discussed this
between prior to the meeting. I said my piece and the body language of
these people changed they became more relaxed and smiled and seemed to
have appreciated what I had said.

I do think my new boss is a definite auditory person. Still trying to
pin point why I thin k that. I need more evidence. As I working with
new people this week it will a great chance to try and work their
different think styles out.

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