Monday, 18 August 2008

Olympics and NLP

Been reading more about NLP. Onto programming and model part of the book.
Last couple of day have read about the following.

Modelling of excellence.
Logical levels of change

Modelling of excellence talks about the modelling of successful
business people, leaders or sports people. The part about sports
people seems particular appropriate at the moment with the Olympics
going on. Seen so many stories of how people have trained with the
Olympics coming up, the really successful ones seem to eat, sleep,
drink, train their sport 24/7. It appears that there is nothing else
in their lives apart from their sport. Everything they do every day is
dedicated to that sport. Many stories of the world champions losing at
the Olympics. Those that didn't win at the World Championships find
the extra motivation to then win at the Olympics( their is no failure
only feedback. Or there is no failure only learning opportunities).
Stories of people literally hiding away to concentrate on the training
and preparation for the Olympics.

Anchoring is all about finding triggers to invoke good resourceful
states and realising what triggers we have that create unresourceful
states. The idea being we can create resourceful states by firing off
a physical trigger I.e. touching your ear lobe. Resourceful states is
a positive state of mind for example happy, confident, independent,
calm. Unresourceful states are the opposite for example angry,
annoyed, depressed etc. Anchoring teaches you to trigger these
resourceful states and stop the unresourecful states. Part of the
reasoning in the book is that we work better in a resourceful state,
obviously! Also that if we want to lead and influence others then we
must set the right example and be able to spot resourceful or
unresoucreful states in others. If we can recognise these states in
our selves we can then spot it in others and help them find the the
right resourceful state.

This part of the book is all about practising on yourself in order to
create the same effect on others. Can you tell others to give up
smoking if you smoke!
Can you lead others if you don't show the right motivation, influence
and behaviours your self.?

I will write about the logical levels of change tomorrow

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